
Understanding Ancient Laws

Episode Summary

How can we understand the ancient laws in the Old Testament? And what’s the point of reading them today? In this episode, we are learning how to read the ancient laws that God gave to Israel and reflecting on how they can impact our choices today.

Episode Notes

How can we understand the ancient laws in the Old Testament? And what’s the point of reading them today? In this episode, we are learning how to read the ancient laws that God gave to Israel and reflecting on how they can impact our choices today.

Bible Reading
Deuteronomy 30:15-18

Reflection Questions

  1. What is one specific choice you can make to love God and others this week?
  2. How do you think that choice could bring life to those around you? 
  3. What is the first step you can take with God to carry out that choice today? 

Want to Go Deeper? 
Check out this episode's Bible study to watch a video and explore more detailed questions for personal study and group discussion. 

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